Say something that matters.

Welcome to my blog! Sometimes I’ll offer advice about public speaking. Maybe I’ll tell you a story. Or perhaps I’ll make you laugh, teach you something interesting, or help you think a bit differently on a topic. Please consider subscribing so you don’t miss any of my posts.

Norma Thatcher, Author

Children’s Books Published!

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Say something that matters.

Norma Thatcher, Author

Welcome to my blog! Sometimes I’ll offer advice about public speaking. Maybe I’ll tell you a story. Or perhaps I’ll make you laugh, teach you something interesting, or help you think a bit differently on a topic. Please consider subscribing so you don’t miss any of my posts.


Children’s Books Published!

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Lifted Up Blog

A Legacy Revisited

A Legacy Revisited

I often hear people talk about “leaving a legacy.”  And I believe they mean what important accomplishment of theirs will stand the test of time. In other words, they want to identify what individual success they will be remembered for long after...

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Change One Word

Change One Word

A company held a large renewable government contract. Each quarter the agency sent a new purchase order to buy against with a not-to-exceed limit of...

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But, soft! What light….?

But, soft! What light….?

Even though we may have forgotten more than we recall of our 10th grade English lit class, some of us have retained enough memory of the William...

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Name That Tune

Name That Tune

There are several variations of the story, but this is my favorite. So even if you’re familiar with the theme, please read all the way through. The...

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Let Me In!

Let Me In!

I try to be a kind driver. When people make mistakes such as pulling out in front of me, I produce excuses for them. “He must have a lot on his...

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The Sweet Spot

The Sweet Spot

  One of the joys of living in the country happens about this time of year: a crop of wild raspberries grows at the wood’s edge of our yard. I...

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The Bears and the Bees

The Bears and the Bees

Our dog Riley gave my husband a gift for Father’s Day. No, I didn’t buy my husband a new shirt and slap on a gift tag that said, “To Dad, from...

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