Say something that matters.

Welcome to my blog! Sometimes I’ll offer advice about public speaking. Maybe I’ll tell you a story. Or perhaps I’ll make you laugh, teach you something interesting, or help you think a bit differently on a topic. Please consider subscribing so you don’t miss any of my posts.

Norma Thatcher, Author

Children’s Books Published!

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Say something that matters.

Norma Thatcher, Author

Welcome to my blog! Sometimes I’ll offer advice about public speaking. Maybe I’ll tell you a story. Or perhaps I’ll make you laugh, teach you something interesting, or help you think a bit differently on a topic. Please consider subscribing so you don’t miss any of my posts.


Children’s Books Published!

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Lifted Up Blog

Cheating Death

Cheating Death

The first time I came close to dying was when I was about four. It’s my earliest memory. I was at my grandparents’ home and apparently I had been...

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Connect the dots

Connect the dots

It was a paranormal event in Jodi Picoult’s novel Leaving Time.  Serenity Jones, a psychic that young Jenna hired to find her missing mother,...

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Stuff:  Take 1

Stuff: Take 1

Over the past few years a friend of mine has had the multiple-time responsibility of clearing out homes of elderly relatives who have died. Her...

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Can You Believe It?!

Can You Believe It?!

I enjoy the magazine Real Simple. It’s a blend of health, beauty, recipes, interesting articles, psychology, organizational tips, home ideas (from...

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Skimmers and Noticers

Skimmers and Noticers

Some years ago during a department meeting we talked about a shared informational website. One team member complained that when she tried to enter...

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Love Letters

Love Letters

About fifteen years ago I stepped way outside my comfort zone: I auditioned for a lead role in a community theater play. Up to that point my acting...

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…But the Melody Lingers On

…But the Melody Lingers On

I was about eight when my family discovered I could play the piano by ear; that is, I could pick out a tune without reading any sheet music. My...

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