Say something that matters.
Welcome to my blog! Sometimes I’ll offer advice about public speaking. Maybe I’ll tell you a story. Or perhaps I’ll make you laugh, teach you something interesting, or help you think a bit differently on a topic. Please consider subscribing so you don’t miss any of my posts.

Children’s Books Published!
Say something that matters.
Welcome to my blog! Sometimes I’ll offer advice about public speaking. Maybe I’ll tell you a story. Or perhaps I’ll make you laugh, teach you something interesting, or help you think a bit differently on a topic. Please consider subscribing so you don’t miss any of my posts.
Lifted Up Blog

Can You Really Believe What You See?
I recently checked out a library book on the brain titled (appropriately enough) The Human Brain Book by Rita Carter, Susan Aldridge, Martyn Page, and Steve Parker. The subtitle identifies the book as “an illustrated guide to its (the brain’s)...

Billy Joel Nailed It
I want you to label your friends. No, not in a bad way. Take some time and think deeply about your core group of friends and pose this test to yourself: Identify the aspects that each good friend possesses that prompts you to hold them close to...

One More Star In The Sky
Until I saw the tiny blurb in a magazine at the doctor’s office, I had never heard of Avicii. If you’re over 35 and have never been in a dance club, chances are the name is unfamiliar to you as well. But I’ll bet most of my readers would recognize...

Cheating Death
The first time I came close to dying was when I was about four. It’s my earliest memory. I was at my grandparents’ home and apparently I had been...

Connect the dots
It was a paranormal event in Jodi Picoult’s novel Leaving Time. Serenity Jones, a psychic that young Jenna hired to find her missing mother,...

August Prayer – HEARING GOD’S WORD
Note from Norma: Prayer Author Romaine Key updates the prayer page of my website once a month. To read past prayers or find out more about Romaine,...

Stuff: Take 1
Over the past few years a friend of mine has had the multiple-time responsibility of clearing out homes of elderly relatives who have died. Her...

Can You Believe It?!
I enjoy the magazine Real Simple. It’s a blend of health, beauty, recipes, interesting articles, psychology, organizational tips, home ideas (from...

Skimmers and Noticers
Some years ago during a department meeting we talked about a shared informational website. One team member complained that when she tried to enter...

Love Letters
About fifteen years ago I stepped way outside my comfort zone: I auditioned for a lead role in a community theater play. Up to that point my acting...

…But the Melody Lingers On
I was about eight when my family discovered I could play the piano by ear; that is, I could pick out a tune without reading any sheet music. My...