Say something that matters.

Welcome to my blog! Sometimes I’ll offer advice about public speaking. Maybe I’ll tell you a story. Or perhaps I’ll make you laugh, teach you something interesting, or help you think a bit differently on a topic. Please consider subscribing so you don’t miss any of my posts.

Norma Thatcher, Author

Children’s Books Published!

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Say something that matters.

Norma Thatcher, Author

Welcome to my blog! Sometimes I’ll offer advice about public speaking. Maybe I’ll tell you a story. Or perhaps I’ll make you laugh, teach you something interesting, or help you think a bit differently on a topic. Please consider subscribing so you don’t miss any of my posts.


Children’s Books Published!

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Lifted Up Blog

A Legacy Revisited

A Legacy Revisited

I often hear people talk about “leaving a legacy.”  And I believe they mean what important accomplishment of theirs will stand the test of time. In other words, they want to identify what individual success they will be remembered for long after...

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Tools for Thought

Tools for Thought

Daniel Pink, one of my favorite non-fiction authors, was interviewed on an episode of Cool Tools. If you’re not familiar with the podcast, the formula is simple: the founders interview famous people and ask them to talk about four “somethings” that...

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The Bears and the Bees

The Bears and the Bees

Our dog Riley gave my husband a gift for Father’s Day. No, I didn’t buy my husband a new shirt and slap on a gift tag that said, “To Dad, from...

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I was just a young woman when America’s official involvement in the Vietnam war ceased. Several high school friends engaged in active combat there;...

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Day One

Day One

No doubt about it – there are some hilarious animal videos posted on Facebook. The posts run from owners who “shame” their canine family members by...

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You Are Getting Very Sleepy

You Are Getting Very Sleepy

One of the most interesting experiences of my life happened at a high school reunion some years ago. The entertainment portion was a stage...

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Home Transformed

Home Transformed

“As soon as you stand in the doorway, you can tell it’s a girl’s bedroom” Or something close to that is how I began a high school English assignment...

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BFFs – Really, I Mean It!

BFFs – Really, I Mean It!

We weren’t always best friends. Casual friends at a regional high school, yes, but we lived half an hour apart and didn’t hang with the same crowd....

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Warning or Welcome?

Warning or Welcome?

  Have you ever noticed America’s fascination with lighthouses? They are found on calendars, cards, prints, and electronic image pages (think...

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