Please Do NOT Repeat That

Please Do NOT Repeat That

I spent the weekend in Connecticut with my 95-year-old aunt. She’s my aging role model: smart, healthy, active, mentally sharp, articulate, and both interesting and interested. The worst physical problem she experiences is severe hearing loss. Even with hearing aids,...
Scam I Am OR Green Eggs and Scam

Scam I Am OR Green Eggs and Scam

No one likes to be the victim of a scam. And it’s not just because we may lose some money. It’s a blow to our self-esteem. We’d like to believe that we’re savvy…too smart to get suckered into something that’s not what it’s cracked up to be. This happened to me last...
It’s There For A Reason

It’s There For A Reason

Have you ever cussed at an over-the-counter bottle of medicine because the “tamper-proof” packaging nearly made it “consumer proof”? Do you know who’s responsible for initially triggering the requirement for the packaging? If so, call the police immediately because...
Time is NOT the Enemy

Time is NOT the Enemy

Everything is timing. Those are the concluding words of Daniel Pink’s latest book WHEN – The scientific secrets of perfect timing. My Lifted Up blog readers know that sometimes I challenge the tribe to step outside our regular patterns of thinking and consider...