by Norma Thatcher | Jun 11, 2019 | Healthy Living, Humor
If we’re personal friends on Facebook, you probably saw this post of mine from June 7: This is not an event I had on my calendar. Indeed, the only reason we ended up at Duck Donuts in Bristow, VA that morning was simply by chance. Honest. I haven’t always been a huge...
by Norma Thatcher | Apr 16, 2019 | Healthy Living, Inspirational, Thought provoking
Someone had posted this quotation without attribution on Facebook last week. Inspiration and information without personal application will never amount to transformation. The quotation resonated with me in a powerful way so I researched it. Embarrassingly enough, it...
by Norma Thatcher | Apr 6, 2019 | Healthy Living, Interesting information
A friend was recently lamenting that her hands look older than her face does. She’s in her late 50s. “How did THIS (holding up the backs of her hands to me) happen?!” We may not consciously think much about our hands. But our hands are out there, taking the brunt of...
by Norma Thatcher | Mar 30, 2019 | Healthy Living, Interesting information
Sometimes when I’m driving, I suddenly realize that my head is sticking out in a forward position, almost as if there is something stuck on the windshield that I’m trying to see. I’ll pull my chin back in and straighten my posture. That lasts for a few minutes until I...
by Norma Thatcher | Mar 10, 2019 | Healthy Living, Interesting information, Thought provoking
My spot of Virginia had an end-of-winter snowfall on Friday. The temperature was just right to produce picture-perfect snow; every single tree branch and bush was deliciously and thickly coated in white. The soggy marsh that’s supposed to be my yard was painted a...
by Norma Thatcher | Nov 10, 2018 | Healthy Living, Thought provoking
What do you know about sepsis? Until yesterday I didn’t know much about it, but coming across three articles in a row within a couple days got my attention. When I get that many messages on a topic, I know I’m meant to write about it. I realized I’d been hearing of...