Sounds That Go “Aww” in the Night

Sounds That Go “Aww” in the Night

I live in the countryside so it’s usually very quiet at night. Since it’s just my husband, me, and the dog who are here, there’s not even much household noise after 10 p.m. Grace the beagle is an excellent sleeper. About the only noise she makes in...
Stopping For Ice Cream

Stopping For Ice Cream

What started as a family tradition with my two young children and me morphed into an ongoing inside joke between my grown daughter and me. And now you’ll be in on it! When Laura and Tim were young, we would stop for ice cream (or Slurpees) after any doctor visit. I...
Choosing To Make The Call

Choosing To Make The Call

I am not a police officer. And I know that. I am not a child protective services worker. And I know that. I am not a psychologist, a social worker, or a court-appointed child advocate. And I know that. What I am is a good mother who recognizes when a child is being...
Paying Attention On Purpose

Paying Attention On Purpose

People are amazed that Grace, my beagle, rarely barks. Beagles are infamous for being loud and constant barkers. In fact, when I Googled the subject, here are the most often asked questions on the topic: Do beagles bark more than other dogs? Do beagles ever stop...