What An Opening!

What An Opening!

Although the audiobook City of the Sun is from 2008, I just came across it recently. The main character, Frank Behr, is a private detective who retired from his career as a police officer. He gets pulled into a case by the parents of a missing 12-year-old boy, Jamie...
Hope Comes First

Hope Comes First

The old house had stood abandoned for far longer than when I first encountered it thirty-five years ago. The windows, boarded up tightly against the elements, caused the house to appear sightless. Then last week I saw as I drove by it that something appeared to be...


When I awoke this morning, the word “chains” was on my brain. I tried to recall what dreams I might have had which would have produced that effect, but nothing came to me. But all day, my thoughts kept returning to why chains would be important. Don’t bother Googling...
Actually, Life Is More Like This

Actually, Life Is More Like This

One of the best-known lines from the movie Forrest Gump was this: “My momma always said, “Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” I’m suggesting that life is more like a hydrangea bush. Bear with me. My disclaimer,...
Death Is No Stranger

Death Is No Stranger

Death is no stranger to any of us in ordinary times. With Covid still quite visible in our rearview mirror (in the US the 2020 death rate per 1000 people was the highest since 1943), our thoughts may stray to the tenuous hold we have on life. Two stories this month...