Connect the dots

Connect the dots

It was a paranormal event in Jodi Picoult’s novel Leaving Time.  Serenity Jones, a psychic that young Jenna hired to find her missing mother, couldn’t get a document to print on her own home printer. So she went to an office supply store for assistance. Suddenly,...
August Prayer – HEARING GOD’S WORD

August Prayer – HEARING GOD’S WORD

Note from Norma:  Prayer Author Romaine Key updates the prayer page of my website once a month. To read past prayers or find out more about Romaine,  simply go to the main menu of and select BLOG. From there use the SEARCH icon (magnifying glass) in upper...
Stuff:  Take 1

Stuff: Take 1

Over the past few years a friend of mine has had the multiple-time responsibility of clearing out homes of elderly relatives who have died. Her advice to the rest of us? “Get rid of your “stuff” before you die because no one else wants it. It will just end up being...
Can You Believe It?!

Can You Believe It?!

I enjoy the magazine Real Simple. It’s a blend of health, beauty, recipes, interesting articles, psychology, organizational tips, home ideas (from cleaning to decorating), and everyday advice. Real Simple is typically how I try to be: positive and uplifting. So when...
Skimmers and Noticers

Skimmers and Noticers

Some years ago during a department meeting we talked about a shared informational website. One team member complained that when she tried to enter information onto the site, she was blocked. Someone else spoke up to say the data needed to be added in a specific format...