Flutter By

Flutter By

Have you ever heard of someone hating butterflies? These colorful winged creatures seem to live a peaceful life around flowers. They don’t bite or sting, they don’t buzz around your face, and they aren’t destructive (except for the hatched caterpillar eating the leaf...
Bad Carb!

Bad Carb!

In 1991 I was at least twenty pounds overweight. I signed up for a nutrition/exercise program that I attended on my lunch hour a few times a week. At my first class, the instructor asked what I had eaten for lunch. “A hard-boiled egg and a slice of cheddar cheese,” I...
Cheating Death

Cheating Death

The first time I came close to dying was when I was about four. It’s my earliest memory. I was at my grandparents’ home and apparently I had been given a balloon to play with. It popped. Unbeknownst to either grandparent, I had stretched a torn piece of the balloon...