

I’ve mentioned before how I continue to be amazed when a vague subject crosses my path (literally, visually, or electronically) several instances in a short span of time. It happened again today—three events within a ten-hour timespan. The subject is SO vague, you may...
This Is Your Brain On Wakelock

This Is Your Brain On Wakelock

Remember my recent post on Hustle? I sang the praises of a young woman employee at my local Panera Bread. She took the concept of energetic effectiveness to a new level. I’ll tell you someone who doesn’t have hustle: the guy “working” at the Verizon store. Last week...
Do The Hustle

Do The Hustle

Hustle is one of those words whose meaning has evolved from a negative one to a positive one in the business world. The original meaning implied a fraud or a swindler or forcing someone to move fast and unceremoniously in a direction they may not have wanted to go. In...
Deserve To Win

Deserve To Win

For nearly a decade when I was in my 40s, I was involved in the Virginia segment of Business and Professional Women Clubs, Inc. (BPW). Unbelievably, the group was founded way back in 1919. The tagline of the current iteration of the group is, “Developing the business,...