no good answer

In yesterday’s sermon, Bishop Ted used a phrase several times to make a point. The first five words of that phrase stayed with me throughout the day, and it struck me that I couldn’t come up with a single answer that produced what I would consider a positive connotation.

See what YOU think. In a moment, I’ll show you the five words. Read them and then close your eyes and come up with your own responses before you continue reading this article. Ready?

I wonder, are you having the same reaction that I am? Because my initial responses painted me in a negative light.

Sometimes I act as if…the world should work like I think it should.

Sometimes I act as if…I have all the time in the world to finish important projects.

Sometimes I act as if…I’m an expert on a topic of which I clearly am not.

Then when I consciously attempted to put a positive spin on my responses, I was still found lacking!

Sometimes I act as if…I’m grateful for my blessings.

Sometimes I act as if…I’m generous with my time, talent, and money.

Sometimes I act as if…I’m forgiving.

Why only sometimes?

This mental exercise is good for shaking us up a bit. As basically good people, we become complacent in our ways and forget to question who we are and how we’re living our lives.

You see, sometimes I act as if I am a writer. Why, there was a time when I wrote a blog post at least weekly for years. Then a week, a month slipped by. And suddenly it’s been nearly three months since I’ve reached out to my readers.

Sometimes I act as if…I am a writer.

Sometimes I act as if…I am a writer!

Talk to you next week.