Hand of Gratitude

The topic of gratefulness is one that is being talked about more than ever. Many studies have demonstrated the impact that the gratitude attitude has on our happiness. (Note: gratefulness and gratitude are synonyms, so I use them interchangeably in this post.)

One of my favorite speakers, Andy Andrews, says, “More often than not, the happiest people you know are happy because they choose a perspective of gratitude.”

Shawn  Acor, CEO of Good Think, Inc., described an experiment where some participants took note of things for which they were grateful on a daily basis. It turns out their moods and attitudes improved from that one simple practice. Shawn is a fascinating and funny speaker – check him out on this TED talk. http://www.ted.com/talks/shawn_achor_the_happy_secret_to_better_work

Some years ago my sister Barbara gave me a marble hand called the hand of gratitude. The idea behind this is that each day you place one polished stone in the hand and give thanks for something specific. When the hand fills up, you remove the stones and begin again a new day..

Along with other items of personal significance, the hand with its stones rests on my nightstand. Each night before I close my eyes, I give thanks for one person or one event from my day. It’s not necessarily a huge event (as in, “I’m so grateful for winning the Nobel Peace Prize today!”), and if I’m choosing a person to express gratitude about, it’s not always someone close to me or someone I love.

Tonight my thoughts shall be for a co-worker with whom I had words last week. In the midst of a business merger where everyone at work is stressed and maxed out brain-wise on figuring solutions, he and I both had unrealistic expectations of what the other of us “should” be doing to fix the other’s issues. But we made up today, and that deserves gratitude.

The art of being grateful is a wonderful habit to cultivate. In this green growing season of spring, plant some gratefulness seeds and watch them bloom.

To my readers:  Tell us one person or event for which you are grateful for today and why.

PS – And yes, I would be quite GRATEFUL if more readers would reply to my invitations to share a story. That’s a big hint!