Someday I Definitely Will

Someday I Definitely Will

When I worked in the credit management field, I met with my peers from our company’s competitors for a monthly lunch meeting. That may sound counterintuitive, but for credit management in the foodservice sector, it was not only a good idea but a long-standing...
This Little Light of Mine

This Little Light of Mine

I enjoy challenges since they keep my neural networks fired up and making new connections. So when our Priest Associate asked us three Old Testament readers for the Easter Vigil service to forego reading our lesson this year and instead “tell the story in our own...
Music To My Ears And In My Ears

Music To My Ears And In My Ears

A magical musical event happened around me recently. An offering had arrived via email to attend a concert by the Vanderbilt Chorale at a small, local venue. The tickets were $10 per person. How could I pass up that? The one-night concert, however, was March 3, the...