Say something that matters.
Welcome to my blog! Sometimes I’ll offer advice about public speaking. Maybe I’ll tell you a story. Or perhaps I’ll make you laugh, teach you something interesting, or help you think a bit differently on a topic. Please consider subscribing so you don’t miss any of my posts.

Children’s Books Published!
Say something that matters.
Welcome to my blog! Sometimes I’ll offer advice about public speaking. Maybe I’ll tell you a story. Or perhaps I’ll make you laugh, teach you something interesting, or help you think a bit differently on a topic. Please consider subscribing so you don’t miss any of my posts.
Lifted Up Blog

Going To The Chapel
The tiny brownish-red chapel sits as a focal point against a massive rock formation, towering evergreens, and (when in a season of flowing) a waterfall. A photo of the church in a calendar many years ago intrigued me, and I added it to the bucket...

A Gym With A View
When did you last touch a tree? Or scooped up acorns from the ground? Maybe you recall the most recently you picked up an unusual rock or stone from the dirt. If your answer to the above prompts is, “I don’t know,” then you need to get out more....

Cry Me A River
Pop Quiz: “If a unit of data gets shared enough times, it is considered true.” This statement was made in response to people refusing to believe which of the following: a) In 2021, workers will have to pay back the 6.2% Social Security tax that...

Scam I Am OR Green Eggs and Scam
No one likes to be the victim of a scam. And it’s not just because we may lose some money. It’s a blow to our self-esteem. We’d like to believe that...

With All Your Heart
“Never give up the power of your gut instincts. Trust me on this one…” This advice is from Dr. Neil Spector, once a respected oncologist. Over a...

It’s There For A Reason
Have you ever cussed at an over-the-counter bottle of medicine because the “tamper-proof” packaging nearly made it “consumer proof”? Do you know...

Time is NOT the Enemy
Everything is timing. Those are the concluding words of Daniel Pink’s latest book WHEN – The scientific secrets of perfect timing. My Lifted Up blog...

Doilies, Brown Furniture, and Good China
The most highly viewed post on was written by Richard Eisenberg. It was titled, Sorry, Nobody Wants Your Parents’ Stuff. It garnered...

The Rocky Balboa Method of Project Management
Do you remember the original Rocky movie that was released in 1976? Forget all the sequels; the original was, and always will be, the best. Here’s...

A House Is Not A Home
Do you ever tour model homes? I don’t mean with an intent to purchase, but rather, just to see new and clever concepts from builders as well as...

Talking With Strangers On A Train
My husband Richard has had a long-time fascination with trains; this was firmly in place before I ever showed up in his life. He and his dad were...