True or False?

True or False?

  It was one of those “free pass” questions that teachers throw in on a test; a no-brainer, don’t-think-twice, easy-peasy type of question. And yet when I came to that true or false statement on my sixth grade health test, I gave it great consideration. I knew...
Toast at Grammy’s

Toast at Grammy’s

When my grandson Danny was around three and would stay overnight, the bedtime snack was never in question. We went through the game of “Do you want cereal?” Danny would reply with a long, drawn-out, “Noooo.”  “Do you want ice cream?”  “Noooo.”  And the choices went...
Sweet Sisters Jam

Sweet Sisters Jam

When I read of someone who hires a professional decorator to create her home’s interior, I feel a twinge of sadness. A home is so personal. To give up the opportunity to make it your own….well, I just can’t imagine doing that. My home isn’t...
Do I hear what you hear?

Do I hear what you hear?

One of the homework exercises for students in my “Talk to Me!” class usually produces the same response from most students. When I announce they will need to record themselves talking (at meetings, in daily interactions, or their side of phone conversations) for a...