When I took my husband to his first Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert, he thought he would be hearing Russian symphonies. Uh, no. TSO is a rock group.
If you’re not familiar with the TSO name, you still likely have heard their music during the Christmas season. Their signature song is Christmas/Sarajevo but it’s better known as Carol of the Bells, a BIG song. And it’s a HUGE number as their concert finale replete with fireworks and a laser light show.
You can also find various videos on You Tube where homeowners have synchronized their outdoor Christmas lights to the TSO version of the song.
While I’m a huge fan of the group and that particular rendition, it can be auditorily overstimulating. (Especially if you listen to sixteen versions of it trying to find the best one to link in a blog.)
Sometimes I just need to listen to quieter music such as Yo-Yo Ma on cello accompanied by Kathryn Stott on piano.
Even less sound that produces more stillness within me is that of my large wind-chime on the front porch. I hear just a few notes now and then and I find that less is more.
The same is true with visual stimulation. Many of us truly enjoy the stunning nature photographs posted online – mountains, waterfalls, sunsets, sunrises, forests, the ocean, and flowers. How beautiful the world is!
And yet, there are times when the focus of close-up photography calms my brain and soul in a way that a masterpiece landscape shot of a mountain range cannot.
Both of these “less is more” examples say to me, “Slow down. Breathe in a long breath. Take notice of right now.”
Many of you likely have your own practice that reminds you to slow down and savor a moment. If so, please share. And if not, feel free to borrow mine until you find your own.
Just give to me, Kate Smith or Vera Lynn, and all of the other “musical” groups, or as I call them, “Noise” groups, pale by comparison. Yes, sometimes less can be more, so let’s begin by getting rid of all of the “noise-makers” and delete the drummers, and bass guitarists, who can play nothing but boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, and call it music???? Please spare my jangled nerves. Many times, I have even witnessed a “Church” presentation, and felt as though that I had gotten into a rock concert, WITHOUT A TICKET!!!! The prosecution rests!!!!
Wait a minute. I thought we all agreed that we adored the Fife and Drum Corp at the Army Band concert?
Actually, here’s the link to the event we saw in person.
Everyone – please watch!
I just got my first blog in about a month. So good to have it back. No idea why but I’m saving it in case I get no more. Than I can go back and read the ones I’ve missed and I have missed them. I agree with Bill. I don’t enjoy the boom, boom, boom either. Maybe it’s my age. I like Kate Smith and Frank Sinatra.
I just sent my @Comcast.net readers more information on Comcast blocking my Lifted Up emails.
I like it all: loud, bright overabundance to the bare minimum, all the way to nothing, plain solitude in silence with eyes closed. Life is just beautiful!!!
Rich and varied…such a selection we have from which to choose.
Thanks so much Norma. It really spoke to me.
Oh Marie, I’m so glad we can connect here!