Your life is a sacred journey. And it is about change, growth, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous risks, and embracing challenges at every step along the way…You are on the path, exactly where you are meant to be right now… And from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, beauty, wisdom, power, dignity, and love. Used with permission of author Caroline Joy Adams.
I’m part of a faith formation group at church. A dozen of us meet weekly, talking openly about our faith and discussing reactions to and thoughts about faith-focused books.
In a discussion on discernment (how to know when we’re listening to the voice and will of God or…wait, it that just my ego shouting?), I shared that one of the ways I hear God speak to me is when I receive the same focused message in various formats. (And no, it’s not Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.)
Here’s a current message I’ve received several times over the last three months: Follow the path.
On the stand next to my desk lies a book I bought in December: The Path…a Journey Through the Bible.
In January I was cleaning out a stash of paperwork from past projects. One page explains the spiritual aspects of a labyrinth. It had been a handout I gave middle school students before we walked a labyrinth. The above opening quote was the first paragraph of the labyrinth page. And the next line on the handout was this: We are all on the path.
Not a path, mind you. But THE path.
By this time I’m answering God. “OK, I’m getting the message of the Path. But what path?” Receiving no immediate reply, I let it slip from my conscious thought.
In February as I spoke with business people in town about opportunities to add my public speaking classes to leadership and management training programs, several responded with, “You should talk to The Path Foundation. They do training for non-profits and hire instructors from various fields.”
The Path Foundation. The Path.
Are you expecting a happy ending to be inserted here? Sorry.
I haven’t contacted them yet. Letting my insecurity of “Am I good enough to do this?” get in the way of action, I’ve hesitated.
Even though late February’s mail brought me The Path Foundation’s Year in Review brochure, I’ve still held back. I’m usually a highly confident person and so I’m struggling to explain why I haven’t acted upon this.
I’m calling them on Monday because I got one more message the other day.
On pet therapy duty, we entered a hospital room where a woman was sitting up in bed, some personal effects arranged on the bed table in front of her. And what item do you suppose was facing my direction? It was a small black nylon bag with the distinctive Path Foundation logo.
I inquired about it. The woman’s grandson had given it to her after volunteering at Path the prior year. As the woman petted the therapy dog, I kept staring at that nylon bag and the colorful logo. I mean, what were the odds?
In sharing this story with my friend Philip, I said, “It’s as if I’m so dense that God had to keep sending me the same clues over and over.”
He replied, “Here’s my take on it. God loves you so much that he hasn’t given up on your following where this leads.”
I like Philip’s version better than my own.
Maybe I’m intended to be an instructor at Path. Or maybe I’m intended to cross paths (no pun intended) with someone there that will lead in another direction. We’ll see how this unfolds.
Oh, and one more thought from the labyrinth handout: “With a labyrinth there is only one choice to be made. The choice is to enter or not.”
I’m choosing to enter.
Note to my readers: I’m making a change in how I provide opportunities for you to learn more. So that you have the choice to mindfully read each post in full without clicking on links throughout my story, links will be provided at the end. And of course, soon I’ll be writing on what prompted me to make this change. Stay tuned!
Here are the links to learn more about what I’ve written today:
Author of opening quote
The Path Foundation
Dear sweet wonderful Norma,
You don’t need to be knocked over the head to see this clearly. The surprise is that you didn’t start the PATH Foundation. It has your name written all over it. You should not hesitate one second at the divinely inspired organization that you belong in. I’ve never seen a lack of confidence in your ability. Your are inspiring, thoughtful, caring, supportive, a renaissance woman (interested in so many variety of things), and a true friend for life.
Again this makes me think of one of my experiences. My boss referred to me as his Banty Rooster. I was going up for a major promotion and was questioning my ability. Before going in i said, “i’m a Banty Rooster”. And I got the position. So put on your Banty Rooster! HUGS AND LOVE.
Thank you as always, Miss Judy, mom of courage, for your love and support.