Stuff:  Take 1

Stuff: Take 1

Over the past few years a friend of mine has had the multiple-time responsibility of clearing out homes of elderly relatives who have died. Her advice to the rest of us? “Get rid of your “stuff” before you die because no one else wants it. It will just end up being...
Can You Believe It?!

Can You Believe It?!

I enjoy the magazine Real Simple. It’s a blend of health, beauty, recipes, interesting articles, psychology, organizational tips, home ideas (from cleaning to decorating), and everyday advice. Real Simple is typically how I try to be: positive and uplifting. So when...
Skimmers and Noticers

Skimmers and Noticers

Some years ago during a department meeting we talked about a shared informational website. One team member complained that when she tried to enter information onto the site, she was blocked. Someone else spoke up to say the data needed to be added in a specific format...
…But the Melody Lingers On

…But the Melody Lingers On

I was about eight when my family discovered I could play the piano by ear; that is, I could pick out a tune without reading any sheet music. My grandmother Elizabeth had a piano that my father had bought for her. Grandma and I had just finished watching a television...
The Fallen

The Fallen

I wonder why we are so surprised by death. Every single person alive at this moment will eventually die.  Your chance, and mine, of living on this earth forever is literally (and I mean that in the truest sense of the word) non-existent. Yet we continue to be caught...
But, soft! What light….?

But, soft! What light….?

Even though we may have forgotten more than we recall of our 10th grade English lit class, some of us have retained enough memory of the William Shakespeare section to recognize the blog title reference to his play Romeo and Juliet. In Romeo’s soliloquy about his...