The Mask

The Mask

I grew up in a small town. How small was it?  It was one of those towns so small that everyone did in fact know everyone else. You couldn’t get away with anything because someone would tell your parents, usually within minutes of the infraction. Yes, we walked to...
Everyone Needs a Mother

Everyone Needs a Mother

  The year my son Tim was three, super heroes were popular at our house. One day I heard Laura, then six, say to Tim, “OK, we’ll play. You be He-Man and I’ll be your mother.” Tim’s baffled response was, “He-Man doesn’t need a mudder.” And Laura said, “Of course...
Small Wins

Small Wins

Some years back I was a volunteer for the local literacy group. During my tutor training, I was reminded of the value of a small win. My first adult student could identify just ONE of the 300 most commonly used words in the English language. It was the word on. Since...
At your service

At your service

Years ago when a favored grocery store was still independently owned, I witnessed an amazing display of genuine customer service. At the time, the store employed “bag boys.” Several would be on duty, and they took turns packing up your groceries at checkout, then...