Awe Shucks

Awe Shucks

When my children were young readers, I’d go to the library near my work with a “shopping list.” Laura was into the Baby-sitters Club series, and Tim’s choice was the kid-scary books by R.L. Stine called Goosebumps. Thinking about the Stine series makes me consider...
May I Tell Your Fortune?

May I Tell Your Fortune?

Why is it we read the ½” x 2” slips of paper found in fortune cookies? Surely no one truly believes our future lives will take certain turns dependent on which cellophane-wrapped treat we get. Right? I will admit, though, there have been some messages I’ve remembered...
The True Story

The True Story

  I’m a huge fan of the library. I go there several times a month. It makes me happy to see people sitting reading or deliberating over which book to choose. Thankfully, the libraries I belong to are busy! In working on a scrapbook of my son Tim, a calendar entry...